Well Modules

A Well Module is a special economic module whose variables and calculations are solved iteratively for each of the wells drilled during the simulation (both prototypes and clones). Use a module of this type when you need to perform calculations at well- rather than project level. A Well Module produces a collection of variable or result values from wells drilled, and can be invoked from calculations in other modules by means of Enumeration Functions such as sumWellVariables().

The Well Module node has a second tab Wells, where you can choose between including all the wells existing in the project (All Wells), a single reservoir or a specific well group.

Econ Well Inputs

Along with Inputs and Calculations, in Well Modules you can create Well Input Well Inputs, which can refer to any either well variables or results. When you create a Well Input, you need to select its subtype:

  • Well results: Well simulation results (CapEx, OpEx and production values).
  • Well variables: System variables in the
  • Well Details Tab
  • (Abandonment Cost, Economic Limit, Initial Rate, Reserves) and user-defined variables.

In the Result / Variable field, select the specific result or variable to retrieve. The asterisk (*) stands for the name of all the wells defined in the project.

How to use Well Modules

Consider this case: you need to calculate a royalty rate that must be applied individually to each well production rather to total project production. Assuming that the royalty rate of each well is 5% until reaching 30 Mbd Oil, and 10% afterwards, how can Total Royalty Rate per period be calculated?

In your Econ model, create a Well Module ("Well level calculations").

Inside this module, create a Well Input (call it "Well Oil Cum") with these values:

  • Type: Well Input
  • Subtype: Well result
  • Result: Production: *: Oil: Cums
  • Create a calculation in the same module (call it "Well Royalty Rate") with this expression: if("Well Cum Oil" < 1.5 [MM bbl], 5 [Percent: %], 10 [Percent: %])
  • In a different (non-Well) Econ module, create a Calculation (call it "Total Royalty Rate") with this expression: sumWellVariables("Well level calculations: Well Royalty Rate")
  • Calculate the Econ Model